Pet Identification And Micro Chip System


Pet Identification & Microchip Systems in Springfield

A microchip is a tiny electronic device, about the size and shape of a grain of rice. It is implanted beneath the skin between the shoulder blades and stays there for the pet’s entire life. This procedure is easy and painless at Pet Medical Center of Springfield.

Each microchip has a unique number. This number, along with information about the owner and pet, are added to a national pet registry. Most veterinary hospitals and animal shelters have electronic scanners for detecting and reading these implanted microchips. Microchips are the standard for pet identification because the information cannot be changed. When a lost pet is found and a microchip is scanned, the registry is called and the owner can be contacted.

If you would like to get your pet microchipped, call Pet Medical Center of Springfield today at (703) 455-1188.