

Springfield Pet Pharmacy

Our pets can benefit from medication just like we can, provided it is the right kind of drug that was designed specifically for them. At the Pet Medical Center of Springfield Pharmacy, we stock an extensive drug inventory. Medications can be easily dispensed before you leave the clinic.

Some of the medications that we offer include:

Make sure you follow the vet’s instructions for when and how to give your animals pills. Maintaining a regular medication schedule is very important for their health and wellbeing!

Tips for Medicating Your Pets

Getting a dog or cat to swallow a pill is not easy. They don’t understand why they need it and only see it as unappetizing food. There are several strategies and tricks you can use to get your pet to take their needed medication.

Some pets are very picky and still won’t take their medication even when it is hidden in food. If you are having trouble, call us today at (703) 455-1188 to ask for help. Our team does this all the time and can provide you with valuable advice.

Try one of the following if you are having a hard time giving your pet their medication: